Colombia: Human Resources/Administrative Manager

Organization: Save the Children
Country: Colombia
Closing date: 25 Oct 2018

TITLE: Human Resources/Administrative Manager


Human Resources

LOCATION: Bogota (with travel to Arauca, La Guajira and Norte de Santander)


CONTRACT: Fixed term

REPORTS TO: Team Leader


Level 3: the role holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g. once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work in country programs; or are visiting country programs; ore because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.


The post holder will manage the HR and Administration functions of the Humanitarian response to the Venezuela crisis. The HR/Admin Manager will be expected to lead on HR assessments, HR strategy, coordinate recruitment, develop robust systems, policy and practice on people management in complex emergencies. In most circumstances, the post-holder will be expected to mentor and/or capacity building existing staff; develop, manage and co-ordinate the overall functioning of administrative support systems for the Humanitarian response as well as service providers and events which includes office management, facilities management, development and maintenance of policies and procedures, travel, and staff management.


Reports to: Team Leader

Staff directly reporting to this post:

-Human Resources Officer

-Admin. Assistant


HR Policy and Planning

-Provide leadership to the day-to-day operations of the humanitarian response, while maintaining focus on the company’s strategic goals.

-Develop and ensure good understanding of the HR policies and procedures, terms and conditions of employment through internal communications and or staff meetings where necessary

-Prepares terms and conditions of employment and issues all employment and consultancy contracts for Country Director's approval in compliance with Colombia Labour Laws (when required) and any other relevant member guidelines

-Ensures design and management of competitive and appropriate compensation and benefit policies for all employees, including short term and/or contract employees in emergencies

-Ensures that the compensation and benefit policies are cost effective, competitive, equitable and implemented effectively

-Maintains appropriate personnel files and HR documentation.

-Facilitates and ensures that performance reviews and the annual appraisal process are conducted regularly by supervisors; ensures training and advice is available to all managers on the use of performance management

-Helps facilitate integration of the Emergency Response Team members into CO operations when relevant

-Manages the disciplinary and grievance processes of emergency response staff in accordance with approved policy and in compliance with the legal requirements

-Manage recruitment process and oversee the placement and induction of new staff

-Implement and/or support the humanitarian response’s staff related change management initiatives and acting as the internal human resources consultant on various matters as may be required from time to time by Functional Heads

-Promote staff welfare and wellness

-Oversee staff leave utilization and making appropriate recommendations

Employee Relations and Development

-Manages the overall Employee Relations for the Emergency.

-Develops, implements, and communicates personnel policies and procedures in accordance with the organisation’s goals, statutory requirements, and SCI's human resources policies.

-Where possible applies the emergency core, technical and leadership competencies in the identification of new staff and the development of existing staff.

-Advises the Team Leader and Country Director on appropriate actions for prevention and response to any legal issue arising out of Save the Children’s work or employment, coordinates actions with legal counsel.

-Provides guidance to Program functions in finalizing plans for capacity building of staff and formulating the annual training calendar, such as performance management workshops, orientation programs etc.


-Develop departmental budget and business plans to achieve the set targets

-Oversee administrative services such as office services, registry and outsourced services.

-Supervises administrative tasks to ensure the efficient functioning.

-Monitors visa process for expatriate staff and elaboration of secondments of staff deployed.

-Ensures that sophisticated, efficient, cost effective Information Technology Systems are in place and in compliance with SCI Essential Standards.

-Ensure movement staff tracker is updated on a regular basis.

Facilities Management

-Manages and is responsible for the maintenance of field office(s) facilities – including telephone system (mobiles), photocopier and maintenance, computer network and office supplies – ensuring the most environmentally friendly approaches are used

-Ensures compliance with Health and Safety regulations.

-Ensures that internal and external communications systems function effectively and efficiently

-Maintains records of insurance cover across the organization, ensuring adequate cover and keep up to date with suitability and types of cover available, conducting an annual review

-Oversees the annual preparation of the renewal of licenses and permits

-Provides logistical support to guests, visitors including partner organisations involved in SC activities.

-Supports any sub-office by ensuring operations support – ensures there are mechanisms in place to support sub-office issues


  • Comply with Save the Children policies and practice with respect to child safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.


Delivering Results

Takes personal responsibility and holds others accountable for delivering our ambitious goals for children, continually improving own performance or that of the team/ organisation.

Level required: Accomplished

Applying Technical and Professional Expertise

Applies the required technical and professional expertise to the highest standards; promotes and shares best practice within and outside the organisation.

Level required: Accomplished

Working Effectively with Others

Works collaboratively to achieve shared goals and thrives on diversity of people and perspectives.

Knows when to lead and when to follow and how to ensure effective cross-boundary working.

Level required: Accomplished

Communicating with Impact

Communicates clearly and confidently with others to engage and influence; promotes dialogue

and ensures timely and appropriate messages, building confidence and trust.

Level required: Accomplished



-A human resource management/development qualification from a credible institution.

-At least 6 years human resource management experience gained from reputable organizations

-Diverse experience in human resource and administration management; exposure to the Colombian Labour Laws

-Proven operational HR track-record – experience of providing a senior generalist HR service to managers across a full range of HR issues

-Good leadership and people-management skills;

-Excellent skills in handling and advising on complex people management issues

-Experience of and well-developed skills in recruitment and selection

-Understanding staff care for humanitarian staff, approaches to welfare, stress, R&R and debriefing

-Good facilitation skills and ability to deliver induction briefing/training

-Self-starter, high energy level with strong interpersonal and communication skills-Highest level of personal and professional integrity

-Good attention to detail

-Strong communication (written and spoken), and interpersonal skills in English, with experience in managing multicultural teams


-Experience of a range of assessment techniques (including assessment centres)

-Fluent in Spanish

NOTA: Con la presentación para participar en la presente convocatoria se autoriza a Save the Children a comprobar la información personal suministrada, así como a hacer uso de los datos personales para efecto de comprobación en bases de datos públicas y privadas relacionadas con nuestras políticas anti fraude, lavado de activos y financiación del terrorismo. Los datos utilizados serán los indicados en la cedula de ciudadanía entregada.

NOTA 2: En todo caso, la solución a la prueba técnica será un criterio de evaluación y selección del personal, por lo que solo se usará el contenido para los efectos del proceso de selección y se respetará la propiedad intelectual del mismo, no genera en ningún caso remuneración alguna.

Se recibirán hojas de vida hasta el dia 24 octubre de 2018 por favor aplicar al link de computrabajo:

Las propuestas presentadas una vez cumplida y pasada la hora fijada para el efecto, o radicadas en dependencia distinta a la enunciada en este documento, NO SERÁN RECIBIDAS ni tenidas en cuenta por el comité de selección, de lo cual se dejará constancia en la respectiva acta.

How to apply:

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